Phone banking is available every week on various days and times. Contact Dyvina Beck [email protected] with the Luria Campaign and find a time that fits your schedule. Call times are usually 6 to 8pm. Any amount of time is extremely helpful.
Canvassing is available every weekend. Canvassing is the most effective way to do voter outreach. Contact Dyvina Beck at [email protected] with the Luria Campaign and find a weekend and time that fits your schedule. LGBT Dems and Veterans and Military Families are teaming up to canvass on September 17 and 18 and 24 and 25 …
Team Elaine needs your help!! Join us for the last 4 days of the election to turn out every last voter in Chesapeake! We'll provide a full training before you go out to knock on doors, & provide you with a script & info on Elaine's positions to make sure you're prepared to have conversations…