Rhett Deitz

Rhett graduated from James Madison University with a degree in social work. Her passion for social work transitioned into a career in field politics in Virginia. Rhett currently resides in Henry County on her family’s farm, Home Creek Farms. When she’s not helping gather hay, or herding cows, she is running a union print shop with her business partner.

Rhett decided to run in the 14th district after experiencing first hand the consequences that the Covid-19 pandemic had on her younger brother’s schooling. At the age of eight, her brother struggled with virtual school due to the absence of affordable, functioning internet. Access to the internet has become an integral part of learning in recent years, and that has become especially apparent over the last year as our schools and jobs have been increasingly moved online. The importance of addressing equity issues both within the city as well as the counties is crucial for the further development of the district.

More than anything, it is crucial that we have a candidate in office that represents us, the constituents. These are problems that are not new to the district, and they’re not new to Southwest Virginia. We need someone in office who will stand up and speak out about the need for change. Rhett is running against a twenty year incumbent who has voted to cut funding for rural broadband, access to healthcare, and cut funding for schools and increased class sizes. Twenty years in office is a significant amount of time, and things have not changed in the district. It’s time for our representation to represent the interests of the people.