Jul 22, 2024

Grateful for President Biden’s Leadership. Ready to Work to Win.

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From Joel McDonald, Chairperson, LGBT+ Democrats of Virginia.

President Joe Biden answered the call to serve in 2020 as our party’s unifying nominee and win the presidential election. President Biden restored decency, credibility, and capability to the White House, leading our national recovery from a global pandemic, strengthening our economy, and rebuilding our infrastructure.

As vice president, Joe Biden led the way in endorsing marriage equality. As president, he signed the Respect for Marriage Act, ensuring federal recognition of same-sex marriages. He ended the ban on transgender military service. He nominated the first openly gay Cabinet secretary and the first openly transgender official to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate in history. He increased access to healthcare for LGBTQ+ people. He emphatically reminded LGBTQ+ youth that he had their backs.

We are grateful for President Biden’s service and allyship to our community. His decision not to accept the Democratic nomination reflects his commitment to putting the country first, something he has repeatedly done throughout his storied career.

While party rules prohibit us from immediately endorsing at this time, we recognize the service and commitment to LGBTQ+ equality of Vice President Kamala Harris and the groundswell of well-deserved and enthusiastic support she has received following her endorsement by President Biden and Democratic leaders throughout the nation.

We have every expectation that we will, as a party, nominate a candidate every bit as committed to LGBTQ+ equality as President Biden has been. We stand ready to endorse and work to elect that nominee, to re-elect Senator Tim Kaine, and to elect pro-quality Democrats to Congress and offices at all levels throughout the Commonwealth.

We hope you are too.