Jun 22, 2012
Capital Pride and Upcoming Prides in VA
Don Davenport, Vice Chair for Outreach & Membership
I want to thank all those who came out to support us at Capital Pride.
Chuck Unger and I got to DC Pride at 8:00 am, and people were already in the process of setting up. Thank goodness there were still plenty of parking spaces left on the side streets.
You could already feel the excitement building in the air.
I especially want to thank those members who came out to help man the booth.
Terry Mansberger who offered to help us set up and spend a couple hours in the morning, wound up staying until 5PM.
Tom Osborne came in and spent several hours engaging the crowds and Nick Benton also spent a couple hours making our day go by easier.
Linh Hoang was in and out all day. He usually brought people back with him each time he returned, letting them know that they needed to support us.
Charley Conrad was awesome in his effort to register voters. Within three hours he registered 22 people.
Brian Boyce and Michael Armstead came in and set the pace and style on pin selling. Some of his catch phrases were; “Friends don’t let friends vote Republican” and “Get your Obama pins here, while they last, one dollar, help support Virginia LGBT Democrats”.
Christopher Schaffer pulled himself away from the Fairfax booth and helped us out for several hours also.
Despite the fact that OFA was right behind us giving away Obama Pride pins for free, and the Fairfax Dems had the same pin, double the size, selling for one dollar, we still managed to sell 258 pins. We also got one new member and 178 newsletter requests.
With people like this, I know that we will go far in accomplishing our goals as a Caucus.
Upcoming events:
Valley Pride in Harrisonburg
Sunday, July 22, 2012 from 4pm – 8pm
Hillandale Park, Shelters 11 and 12
Out in the Park: Hampton Roads Pride
Saturday, August 18, 2012 at 11am
Town Point Park in Norfolk, VA
Pride in the Park: Roanoke
Sunday, September 16, 2012
SunTrust Plaza/Franklin Rd, in between Elmwood Park and Market Street
Virginia Pride: Richmond
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Kanawha Plaza, Richmond Virginia
Pride in the Burg: Fredericksburg Pride TBA
Pride in the Park: Charlottesville TBA
Elkton Pride: Elkton TBA