Jan 27, 2012
Change in Leadership and February 11 Caucus Meeting
The Caucus has undergone a leadership change that you should be aware of. Terry Mansberger, who has served as Chair of the LGBT Caucus of the Democratic Party of Virginia since March of last year, resigned earlier this week in order to focus on the increasing demands of his career. Brian Boyce, Executive Vice Chair, will serve as Interim Chair until the next election of Caucus officers.
“I am convinced that the LGBT Caucus needs and deserves someone who can bring the proper amount of time, energy, and passion for ideas to the job, and unfortunately I am unable to be that person at this time”, wrote Mansberger in an email to the Caucus board, “I will continue to support the efforts of the Caucus with my membership, and help in other ways where I am able to make a contribution. We’ve made some great strides in the last year, and I encourage the officers and members of the caucus to continue to look for ways to better accomplish our mission.”
In response to the resignation of Terry Mansberger, Brian Boyce, who now becomes Interim Chair, wrote, “I understand how life’s obligations can become more demanding, and I wish Terry success in his endeavors. I am grateful for Terry’s leadership of the Caucus. Finding someone in our upcoming election whose passion, dedication, and ethical excellence matches Terry’s will be quite the task.”
The Caucus will be holding it’s quarterly meeting in conjunction with the Central Committee meeting of the Democratic Party of Virginia on February 11 in Richmond, Virginia, at the Greater Richmond Convention Center. The exact meeting time and location has yet to be set, but will be announced when details are finalized. These meetings are also part of the DPVA’s Jefferson-Jackson Weekend. More information on the weekend’s events can be found by visiting the website of the Democratic Party of Virginia.