Mark Levine

• Harvard University; Yale Law School; Fulbright Scholar
• Served Democratic Congressman Barney Frank as Legislative Counsel in U.S. Congress
• Co-founded the bipartisan, bicameral Virginia Transparency Caucus
• Co-founded Marriage Equality California (second in the nation)
• Co-wrote first full-marriage-equality rights for same-sex couples bill to be introduced in the USA (In California in 2001) and DC’s marriage-equality law.

Mark has a record of advocating for and crafting progressive legislation at the local, state, and federal level that spans three decades. He is committed to redressing inequities of income, race, gender, and sexual orientation. Mark wants to protect the victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, reform the criminal justice system, expand Medicaid, protect the environment, raise the minimum wage, guarantee the right to vote, allow every Virginia child access to pre-K, and promote legislation to reduce the easy availability of guns and other dangerous weapons to people with a history of violence. He has passed laws to preserve the physical evidence of sexual assault and to protect the free speech rights of protesters. Mark has also spearheaded a successful effort to get videos of committee hearings livestreamed and recorded for all Virginians to see.