Democrats Care About People

Democrats Care About People

Joel McDonald spoke at the March 2014 Central Committee meeting of the Democratic Party of Virginia on the progress the Party has made toward marriage equality and hope for the future. Video and transcript included.

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LGBT Democrats of Virginia Meets with Mayor Dwight Jones

Marriage Equality Democratic Party of Virginia

This past Monday, a delegation from the LGBT Democrats of Virginia, met with Richmond Mayor Dwight Jones to discuss his lack of support for marriage equality. After the meeting, the Mayor released a statement where he said, “It would be my honor to lead the party in seeking full equality under the law, which everyone deserves.”

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Mayor Dwight Jones Should not be Chair of the Democratic Party of Virginia

Marriage Equality Democratic Party of Virginia

We have a President, a Vice President, and a U.S. Attorney General who now stand on the right side of history, on the side of equality. The Democratic Party of Virginia must not consider retreating on this issue. Instead, the Party should heed the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, who declared, ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere’. These are beliefs the Chair of the Democratic Party of Virginia must embody.

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Our Holy Union

I am reminded of how far we’ve come in 41 years. Back then, ours was “the love that dared not speak its name.” There was no political support for gay rights – let alone broader LGBT rights – in either party.

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Got Pride?

Celebrate Floyd Pride

Prides are popping up in places that people hardly knew existed. As the winds of change shift and our deeds pen the pages of history, what will you have written, when the ink is dry?

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Our History, and Our Present

I want to invite everyone to read the article written by Cindy Bray, Treasurer of the LGBT Democrats of VA. Cindy is a nationally recognized award winning LGBT historian. She…

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