
Photo of laptop screen with new endorsement questionnaire displayed.

LGBT+ Democrats of Virginia Launch New Endorsement Questionnaire

June 20, 2023

The endorsement questionnaire for LGBT+ Democrats of Virginia now includes questions about ensuring equal access to public services, preserving free speech and expression, prohibiting bans on LGBT+ military service, protecting transgender students in public schools, ensuring access to gender-affirming health care, and more issues important to the LGBT+ community that have been subjects of recent legislation. The last update to the questionnaire was in 2021.

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Pride includes family, faith, patriotism.

What Pride Includes

June 5, 2023

With the increase in political rhetoric and legislation targeting the LGBTQ+ community, Joel McDonald, chair of LGBT+ Democrats of Virginia, shares how Pride includes families, faith, and patriotism.

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New Chairperson and Executive Board Elected for LGBT Democrats of Virginia

March 7, 2023

Of note, Maggie Sacra, the caucus chairperson for over a decade, opted not to run for re-election to this office. Instead, she will remain on the board as the Immediate Past Chairperson and also serve as Assistant Treasurer. Longtime board member Joel McDonald, who has served as Vice Chair for Technology and Communications and the Vice Chair for Technology, will serve as Chairperson.

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Passing the Baton, but Still Keep’n On

March 7, 2023

For the last fifteen years I have served on the Board of the LGBT+ Democrats of Virginia as an elected member, first as a Treasurer (2009-2011), part of the time acting as Chair, and then as the Chairperson (2012-2023). We have grown a great deal during this time, and we’ve weathered lots of changes. Ones that probably would have resulted in the demise of a less resilient and strong organization, COVID being a recent example. I could not be prouder of the amazing group of Board members that I’ve shared this ride with for the past fifteen plus years.

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An Almost Return to Normal in 2022, the Work for Equal Rights and Protection Continues

December 22, 2022

When I sat down a few days ago to write this letter, I looked at letters from the past. I read through them thinking how different our 2022 was from our 2019, 2020, and 2021. So many things have changed in our lives over the past few years. Now that things are getting back to ‘normal’, we have almost completely gotten back to our previous activities. Hopefully, by next year we will be back to pre-pandemic schedules and events!

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Protect Trans Students

Speak Out: Youngkin’s Model Policies Targeting Transgender Students

September 28, 2022

Youngkin is targeting transgender students in Virginia’s public schools through a proposed model policy that subverts a law intended to protect transgender students. Virginians need to be heard during the public comment period.

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Urgency Has Spiked!

July 15, 2022

We must pass the Equality Act, we must codify Roe, we must confirm the Equal Rights Amendment, and we must never again let the country slip towards theocracy and fascism. Our lives and the freedoms of our children and grandchildren depend on the next few elections.

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Pride Month 2022: Convictions in Precarious Times

June 1, 2022

I actually am writing this because I believe that we can reverse the negative by living each day so that those around us that call themselves our allies will grow stronger in their convictions and support of the LGBT+ community. We will need all these allies as we collectively fight to make our world a better place for everyone.

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First Round of 2022 Endorsements from LGBT+ Democrats of Virginia

May 5, 2022

All Democratic nominees for the U.S. House of Representatives previously endorsed by LGBT+ Democrats of Virginia have been endorsed for the 2022 election. Find out more about these candidates and how you can help them win.

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How to help Ukraine

April 18, 2022

There are some easy ways to donate to Ukraine. Here are some established and multinational charity organizations that can be safely relied upon for donations.

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