Volunteers Needed for DPVA Booth at State Fair
We’re using to organize our upcoming shifts for volunteering at the DPVA booth at the State Fair of Virginia. Don’t forget everyone that volunteers gets a free ticket to enter the fair. Plan your day so that you will have time to take in the sounds, food, and events at the State Fair either before or after your shift.
See MoreVideo: 2015 LGBT Democrats of Virginia Equality Breakfast
The LGBT Democrats of Virginia hosted their annual Equality Breakfast on December 5th, 2015 in Richmond, VA. The guest speaker for the event was Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe. Master of Ceremonies was Virginia State Senator Donald McEachin. Special guests included Virginia Secretary of the Commonwealth Levar Stoney and Gavin Grimm.
See MoreJoint Statement from LGBT Democrats of Virginia and DLOV on Week After Orlando Attack
We stand together because we are stronger together. DLOV, the LGBT Democrats, and our allies will work every day to amplify issues that afflict our nation’s most vulnerable citizens, and in November, we will elect public officials who will work to further our vision for the future.
See MoreHillary Wins Virginia Primary
As United States Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton advocated for LGBT equality in the U.S. and abroad, saying, “gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights.”
See MorePatronizing?
A couple weeks ago a friend on Facebook said that she had dinner with her father who is gay. He was voting for Trump because as he put it, he felt that Democrats patronize the LGBT community. Obviously, I disagreed.
See MoreJoin Us in Continuing the Fight for a Better Virginia.
We Can't Be Passive In Our Civil Rights.