Holiday Letter to Members and Supporters

This year has been a challenging one for politicians and staff.  Our normal operations have all been turned upside down.  Almost nothing we normally do during a year, including upwards of 40 live events, door knocking, or live fundraisers happened this year.  Our entire outlook on the year changed dramatically overnight, and like everyone in politics, our way of doing things had to change dramatically too. 

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Good Trouble

‘Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.” – Congressman John Lewis

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Let’s Queer the Census!

Census 2020 is still moving forward. You should have already received a letter back in March asking you to complete the census, but timelines have been extended. Don’t miss your opportunity to be counted!

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Resolution on Transgender Military Ban

The LGBT Dems have passed a resolution on the transgender military ban, calling on Virginia’s Governor to affirm that transgender troops may serve openly in the Virginia National Guard, Virginia Air National Guard, and Virginia Defense Force.

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July 14 Fundraiser

The LGBT Dems will be hosting a fundraiser on July 14, 2019. We expect Congressman Don Beyer to attend, in addition to several local elected officials.

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Happy Pride!

While Pride is celebrated with parades and festivals, we have to remember that it didn’t start this way. It was a protest; a roar demanding our rights.

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